Start date: 9th February 2023, 19:00
Speaker: Mr. Marco Bucci, Mayor of Genoa
Venue: ACM, Monaco
Topic Description:
In 2026, a new gigantic breakaway will allow the port to accommodate ultra-large container ships
and the new 8 Bil€ high-capacity, high-speed ‘Terzo Valico’ railway connection to the
Rhine–Alpine corridor will drastically reduce containers transit time to Italy, Switzerland and
Southern Germany.
A tunnel under the port, the new Waterfront designed by Renzo Piano and an underwater cable
providing greater capacity and quality internet connectivity between Europa and the rest of the
These are just the tips of the iceberg of billions of soft and hard infrastructural investments that
are set to bring Genoa back to its role of ‘Superba’ in the years to come.
Genoa is Monaco nearest largest shipping hub and its developments will surely bring useful
insights to the Propeller Club members and the wider Monaco shipping community.CV: Mr.
Program: 19:00 Registration 19:30 Speech 20:30 Cocktail dinatoire
Register at:
CV: Mr. Marco Bucci

Marco Bucci is an Italian politician and former pharmaceutical manager from Genoa. Mayor of Genoa since June 2017 and re-elected in 2022, he is popularly known as the "manager-mayor", due to the significant pragmatism which allowed him to gain the confidence of the Genoese people.
Bucci graduated with degrees in chemistry and pharmacy from the University of Genoa in 1985 and worked in the chemical sector from the 1980s until the end of 1990s. From 1999 to 2016 he worked for Kodak and Carestream Health. In his career as a pharmaceutical manager, he worked at Ferrania (Savona), Genoa, Geneva and Rochester.